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Offering Online & In-Person Counselling  

    I offer both in-person counselling, as well as online for anyone living in Ontario.  

    To further learn about either myself or counselling, you can contact me for a one-hour Initial Consultation. This Consultation is free, & gives you a chance to 'check me out' as well as learn about how we could work on your concerns.

Looking for Something Better?

     You may have some clear issues or concerns which you want to resolve through counselling.  On the other hand, you may only have a  troubled sense that something is not quite right.  I am happy to work with you in either case; we can focus on clear goals, or on the process of resolving your concerns.

     There are two main types of therapy we can pursue: Individual Counselling where we focus on personal concerns, or Relational Counselling where we focus more on your relationship as a couple or as family members.


     In Individual Counselling you might want to:

(a) gain perspective on things troubling you,

(b) figure out options, choices, or priorities,

(c) work on behaviour or communication.

     Relational Counselling is for couples, families, or other relationships (like work colleagues). We all bring into relationships different expectations, practices, and hopes for how these relationships work. When things aren't working as we think they should, this is a great time to discuss these concerns, especially before communication and relationship begin to wear thin. If your home discussions aren't working well, why not try a trained and experienced therapist to help things move along?

     As a marriage & family therapist, I aim to provide a safe space for individuals to explore their own world and perspectives, as well as provide a structured environment for communication to take place between couples and family members.   

     How does counselling work?  I often compare psychotherapy with  physio-therapy, or even having a personal trainer at a gym! Effective change often happens step-by-step, which over time brings real results. What we do in counselling is often a part of our life process of growth as you deal with challenges and opportunities. 

     In any counselling, all of us - counsellor and client - play an active role. Together we will (a) explore your concerns, (b) define our goals, and (c) work towards resolution or change.  I work collaboratively with all my clients, seeking to help them to make progress on all of their issues and concerns.

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     Please feel free to contact me with any comments, concerns, or questions you might have about counselling.  You can find more information about myself, counselling, rates, etc., below.  I look forward to hearing from you.  

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